Hello guys. Its' been quite a while since my last post. The topic of discussion in particular is the game created by Valve, an adaptation of the original DotA custom map on Warcraft III. The game Dota 2. Now a bit of background behind this game. If you don't already know, Dota 2 has been out for a good 3 coming to 4 years, and it is available to play on Steam for FREE. Yes thats' right. FREE. Now you may ask: Why Dota 2? Its' just another pointless game where you waste 40 minutes to an hour of your time just to start back from square one in the next game. Meaning: there is no continuity. But here are some reasons why you should play Dota 2, or at least give it a shot before you judge it.
1) Every game is a new game
This 'flaw' that was mentioned earlier is actually one of the greatest strengths of Dota as a game, and other copies of it, like LoL/League of Legends (sorry LoL fans but sadly its' true.) and HoN (Heroes of Newerth, which nobody actually plays anymore). Simply put, every game is a new game. You start on a blank slate, a fresh start. Unlike some other games like MapleStory or Diablo III where your progress is 'saved' and accumulative, and a wrong move such as adding the wrong skill or getting the wrong items or armor can be disasterous in some cases, Dota 2 is unlike these games. Even if you screw up badly on a game and lose horribly, this does not mean you are destined to keep losing. Variables like item choices and skill builds change every game. Need more stun? Go for a hero with disables like Lion or Nyx Assassin. Need some late game potential? Then go for carries like Gyrocopter or Spectre. With so many variable to take note of in every game, no two games are completely similar.
2) Simple yet sophisticated
Now another aspect of Dota 2 that you should be aware of: it may seem like a challenging game at first with a steep learning curve, but unlike its' predecessors DotA in Warcarft III, this time there are many newbie-friendly aids to make the game slightly easier to play. With item suggestions, changeable hotkeys and hero suggestions and guides, to pick up Dota 2 is no longer a chore. Furthermore, Dota 2 uses a tiered matchmaking system, where new players are pitted against each other rather than a free-for-all pvp environment where the better more experienced players completely trash and own the newbies. There are over 100 heroes, and each hero is unique and has different skills and uses. Some heroes are easier to pick up with less hotkey spamming or timing involved when playing the hero, such as Rikimaru or Ursa, where they have more passives and are easier to play with a 'click and own' type of gameplay. Others are more challenging and require precise timing and utilization of terrain, along with prediction of enemy movement like Mirana or Pudge with their Elune Arrow and Meathook respectively. Then there are others which require massive skill to master like Invoker, with spell combinations and button mashing ability that would scare a new player off. With so many different classes of heroes, the selection is wide enough to cater to both new and experienced players.
3) Graphics and feel
For a game that runs on a engine which isn't very new, the graphics that come with it are crisp and the environment is realistically created, with small graphic embellishments like fishes in the river located in the middle of the map, to the water puddle effects and dark, somber feel of the entire map making you feel as if a real battle between two sides is going on (unlike some games with cartoonish art and glaringly bright colours, not mentioning any names here.) If you so decide to spend some moolah on this game, you can get cosmetics to customize your hero to your own liking, which gives you the MMORPG feel of equipping new weapon and equipment sets but without the overly game breaking effects like increase in damage or armor which would give those spending money an unfair advantage over those that don't. So in essence, it is a fair environment where even if you don't spend a single cent on the game, you still can play just as well if not better than others. But if you wish to support the community and ensure the continuation of the game, you may so choose to spend (buy the compendium for Ti4 hehe).
4) Almost any computer can run Dota 2
Well granted, of course not on the highest settings, but to give you some idea, a Windows XP OS desktop that is >7 years old is STILL able to play dota 2 on the highest available settings. So you get an idea on how easy it is to run Dota , unlike some other games which require you to ramp up your gaming rig just to get it running.
Well, hopefully this blogpost has gotten you interested about Dota 2, I highly recommend this game if you are stuck on what next to play or anything like that. Have fun and until next time,